Market Access Service...
Based on the senior service platform in healthcare industry, our company provides enterprises which i...
Consultancy & Management...
Our company provides consulting and management services for Chinese and American landing medical proj...
Research Collaboration...
Our company has established strategic partnership with American Science Center which provides various...
Development History
Joinscience USA Attended AACC A...
From July 29 to August 2, 2018, the 70th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting Clinical Lab Expo was held in Chicago. 819 exhibitors and over 20,000 experts i...
Joinscience USA Organized Exper...
From July 30 to August 3, 2017,Joinscience USA organized a team of experts to attendthe69thAACC Annual ScientificMeeting and Clinical Lab Expo in SanDi...
Guests from Philadelphia Visite...
On June 2, 2017, Siobhan Lyons, president and CEO of Citizen Diplomacy International (CDI) of Philadelphia, Samuel Chueh, international business manage...